Site réalisé sur
une plate-forme Word et Web

How do it yourselfs


How to manage your Internet


With Word Et Web  :



Create your Internet pages with Word,


In a click you obtain your Internet site on your PC,


Another click you transfer your site on Internet.


With Word, you create and you with complete freedom modify your pages Internet on your PC.


Then of a click you locally generate your Internet site on your PC.  After generation of the site, your navigator (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) display your local Internet site automatically..


You can then see the result of your work. If necessary you modify with WORD your page Internet You repeat the operation as many once as it is necessary.


When you obtain on your PC an Internet site in conformity with your desires, from another click you transfer your site on local Internet towards your shelterer, only the modified files are transferred.


Word Et Web integrate out of standard :

o        A page of request for information: Your visitor filled a form containing name, first name, Addresses, telephone, his need. A courriel of confirmation is sent simultaneously to the visitor and to the administrator of the site. Test it.

o        A function of research in the site which enables you to find any word immediately or phrases in your site. Test it in the menu.


A service of installation of  Word Et Web perhaps made in your residence. This one duration service of approximately 2 hours, also a formation includes/understands during which you modify two pages Internet that you immediately transfer on Internet.


Your Internet site is ready to be visited.


Windows, Word and Excel are trade marks by Microsoft.